Saturday, March 03, 2007

Bush should split the difference with Democrats

Rather than micromanage the Iraq War, Democrats have a great opportunity to seize on an important issue and help make the country safer:

WASHINGTON - Although the Bush administration has warned repeatedly about the threat of a terrorist nuclear attack and spent more than $300 billion to protect the homeland, the government remains ill-prepared to respond to a nuclear catastrophe.

Experts and government documents suggest that, absent a major preparedness push, the U.S. response to a mushroom cloud could be worse than the debacle after Hurricane Katrina, possibly contributing to civil disorder and costing thousands of lives.

This would be a win-win for all involved; the President and the generals are free to work toward their surge strategy, and the Democratic-led Congress can claim a legislative victory if they enhance security within our borders.

I love it when a plan comes together.

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