Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Surge: Most Progress In Military Realm

The Surge Report Preview: Bush to Declare Gains in Iraq on Some Fronts

The White House report says the most progress has been achieved in the military realm. The American command’s latest unpublished monthly figures, prepared for the White House report, show a substantial decline in two major categories of violence, the number of Iraqi civilians killed in sectarian violence and casualties from car and truck bomb explosions.

But the report also acknowledges that some military benchmarks have not been met, including improvements in the ability and political neutrality of the Iraqi security forces and the Iraqi government. Even in some areas where the report will cite progress, the officials in Washington said the document would acknowledge that the overall goal of political reconciliation remained elusive and would chide the Iraqis for failing to take advantage of the presence of more American troops to take more far-reaching steps.

I am counting down the hours until Reid and Pelosi denounce the report's findings, ignore any signs of progress, and renew the "bring the troops home" platitude.

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