Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Back in the USSR...

Breitbart says the Dead Russian reporter was investigating arms sales to Iran, Syria.

A Russian reporter who died after falling out of a window was investigating sales of weapons by Russia to Syria and Iran, his newspaper Kommersant said Tuesday.

Ivan Safronov had told his newspaper that he had "received information" about the sale of Sukhoi-34 fighter jets to Syria and S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Iran via Belarus.

Little Green Footballs also covers the Russian Journalist's Death a "Forcible Suicide"

Here’s a detailed and interesting article at on the apparent “forcible suicide” of journalist Ivan Safronov, who was reportedly about to release an exposé on Russian arms deliveries to the Middle East: Ivan Safronov Was Killed.

Meanwhile, back in the USSR, er-Russia, the New York Times reports:

MOSCOW, March 6 — An American doctor and her daughter were being treated in a Moscow hospital on Tuesday after showing signs of thallium poisoning. Thallium is a highly toxic element with a history of use in pesticides and in murder.

The hits keep on comin'...

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