Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Those Wacky Polls: Europe says "Strike Iran First!"

Over half of Europeans would support a preemptive military strike to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, a poll released last week by a London think-tank reports.

A survey commissioned by the pro-business think tank, Open Europe, found that a majority of those surveyed in 18 EU member states including France and Britain, backed military action as an option in dealing with the threat of Iranian nuclear proliferation, while majorities in 9 nations including Germany and Spain were opposed.

Note: Germany was opposed.

Remember that March poll from Germany?... Evil Americans, Poor Mullahs

Forty-eight percent of Germans think the United States is more dangerous than Iran, a new survey shows, with only 31 percent believing the opposite. Germans' fundamental hypocrisy about the US suggests that it's high time for a new bout of re-education.

Quite the case of historical irony... sixty years later, and Germans are the appeasers! Of course, Europe would never strike Iran itself... they would leave the dirty work to the world police (US).

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