Thursday, February 08, 2007

Joint U.S.-Iraqi Security Outposts

On yesterday's All Things Considered, Anne Garrels reported from Baghdad attached to Charlie company, 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry.

A number of times throughout the audio, either the reporter or the troops mention the lack of enough troops or the need for more troops.

The report notes many frustrations the unit has with Iraqi security forces:

Peterson, 29, has given out his cell phone number to local residents. He says he now gets regular tips, which he can respond to quickly.

Charlie Company is linked up with an Iraqi Army unit, which is located in the building next door. The Iraqi police are supposed to be part of the mix, but so far there is no cooperation with them. Peterson's soldiers don't trust the predominantly Shiite Iraqi troops — privately they complain they are arrogant to the locals, and the American soldiers worry about militia infiltration.

They've watched as Iraqi forces have deliberately skipped houses they were supposed to search on patrol. On one occasion, Charlie Company went in afterward. They found 12 kidnap victims.

The report ends with Garrels noting that Captain Peterson says "he could use more troops."

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