Navy Seal Training Photos
Some great photos from showing the rigors of Navy Seal training:
The instructors demand that the logs be carried up steep sand dunes or held aloft for extended periods until the student’s muscles begin to fail. Then, they head to the water for even more training. Hans Halberstadt/

Phase II students spend many hours in the pool where the water is clearer than the ocean but not much warmer. Before learning any of the skills of a combat swimmer or diver, each must learn to be comfortable and safe in the water, even with his hands tied behind him. Hans Halberstadt/

Combat swimmers set up a defensive security perimeter as they come ashore, listening for approaching vehicles and watching for beach patrols. When it seems safe to proceed, each man slips the heel straps of his fins over his arm where they are out of the way but easily accessible if a hasty exit is required. Once across the beach, the fins will be secured on the swimmer’s back using a snap-link. Hans Halberstadt/
Bad ass.
I plain to become a Navy Seal one day. I have a one track mind and there is no stopping me from accomplishing my dreams. I might think i know what I'll face in training but the truth is i have now clue what im about to put myself forth to until i actually endure the harsh training. But i figure that i might be able to accomplish this goal as i always finish something that i start no matter what it is.
I plain to become a Navy Seal one day. I have a one track mind and there is no stopping me from accomplishing my dreams. I might think i know what I'll face in training but the truth is i have now clue what im about to put myself forth to until i actually endure the harsh training. But i figure that i might be able to accomplish this goal as i always finish something that i start no matter what it is.
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